Touchline Delivers the Goods on the "No Paperwork" Freestyle!

Touchline Delivers the Goods on the "No Paperwork" Freestyle!

Touchline's "No paperwork" freestyle over the "So Appalled" beat from Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was a masterful display of rap at its best. The South African rapper showcased his lyrical prowess and creativity, effortlessly flowing over the instrumental with intricate wordplay and clever punchlines.

From the opening bars, Touchline established himself as a force to be reckoned with, confidently spitting bars that were both technically impressive and emotionally resonant. He touched on a wide range of topics, including AKA's recent passing, personal struggles, and his own come-up in the rap game, all with a natural ease that was hard to come by in SA Hip Hop.

Overall, Touchline's "No paperwork" freestyle was a testament to his skill as a rapper and his ability to stay on beat and maintain a consistent flow while still coming up with fresh rhymesto keep the listener engaged. He delivered an impressive performance that solidified his place as one of the most talented rappers in the game at the time.

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Mshin’ Oy’shintshayo🔥🔥🔥🙌🏿


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